Friday, August 23, 2013

The continuing adventures of J P Nussbaum

I received this letter through registered mail today and am curious who it was from. It was hand written with lovely script and a large intricate seal across the top. The seal was particularly interesting, It was an elephant’s head with a broken right tusk inside a gold ring. The trunk hung down the front passing behind a pair of crossed old fashioned, circa 1900’s elephant guns. There are two flags coming off the sides of the crest. The flag on the right is a violet field with a crown. On the left is a white field with an old five sided knights shield. There’s a red stripe starting in the upper left corner going to the opposite corner. In the upper portion is the silhouette of a roaring lion done in blue. The bottom has the silhouette of a Sopwith camel in gold.

I wish I could show it to you, it’s very cool looking. I tried to scan it, and there was something about the paper or ink that made the scan not come out right. It was filled with black spots, a series of wavy lines, and a large block of text that stated rather clearly, “YOU ARE NOT CLEARED TO UPLOAD THIS DOCUMENT.”

Anyway, there seems to have been a lot of work put into the letter and I’m very curious as to who wrote and sent it to me. So if this is your work below, please let me know.

Dearest Mother,

I am writing to assuage you concerns with my absence. I realize that you feel I am unready for this responsibility. However, my taking leave this evening was of utmost import and as I was the only member of the household in residence it fell to me to answer the call. Had any of my siblings been in country I would certainly have yielded to their experience. Sadly, they are all otherwise engaged. I shall leave it to Jeeves to give you any specifics.

As to my absence, it was just shortly after tea when a correspondence arrived from Italy. A Doctor Sergio Cavallaro wrote regarding an study he was taking part in that had recently received undo attention from some nefarious persons. These of course were his words. I attempted to contact Doctor Cavallaro by phone and received only his assistant. I was informed that the good Doctor had not been in residence for some days. His lab had been found in shambles and his laptop missing.

After further investigation I discovered he disappeared the day before the letter had been posted. I found myself in the unhappy position of having to make a quick decision, and decided to travel to Italy and see if I could learn more once I had arrived. And before you have Jeeves summon the family pilots, I have arranged for transport other than one of the families Supersonics.

Everything should be accounted for, I’ve set myself a travel budget, arranged for a team on the ground to meet me once I’ve landed, and even have contacted cousin Cristina to be on hand in order to give assistance. If there are any other questions or concerns I have my mobile, though it will be off for the majority of the flight.

This should be an interesting mystery and all the signs point to a quick jaunt. I do have questions:
I would like to know what Doctor Cavallaro was studying?
Why did he send is request by post if he felt there was need of our services?
Who were these nefarious forces he alluded to?
Where is he now?

There you are Mother, the extent of my recent occurrences that have left me unable to attend dinner this evening. I will admit to a level of excitement at be able to handle my first problem. I will also confess a certain level of trepidation, it’s no secret in the family that you’ve never quite felt me capable of this sort of activity. I do hope you set your concerns aside and let me take care of this.

As always, my love.

Your youngest son

J. P. Nussbaum

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