Sunday, January 17, 2016

Gaming in 2016

I’m always looking for something to write about in my blog. I want interesting pieces on a topic I feel I can add to. I think nonfiction would be interesting and I get a lot of suggestions about doing it. The problem, I’m not particularly good at writing nonfiction. I also like to have a goal or schedule. It helps to give myself a deadline that I must follow.
Putting all of that together, I’ve decide that I’m going to write at least one article a month featuring my interaction with a gaming experience. By that I mean anything new or interesting I’ve done in regards to gaming. I have three events planned for this year so far. In February I’m going to a Malifaux tournament in Columbus, Ohio. In May, I’m traveling to Atlanta, Georgia to attend the CMONexpo. Finally, in November, I will take part in the Extra-Life Marathon for the fourth time. I hope to add more events or tournaments as the year goes on. In 2015 I got to road trip to Michigan for a Malifaux qualifying tournament for the National Championship. I hope to be able to attend something similar this year, though no events have been announced yet.
Each individual event has its challenges. The tournament in Columbus for example isn’t a particularly new thing. I’ve been in tournaments before, I will be again. This one isn’t a major event, it’s a local tournament for maybe sixteen people. However, the act of driving to Columbus, taking part in the event, and spending the day with friends feels special to me. I also hope that this will be the only event that is a local tournament. Though, I’m not discounting the idea. Local events can be spectacularly fun and unique.
CMONexpo in May is a challenge as well. I’ll have to drive to the event. That will end up being an eight to ten hour trip. As of the writing of this, I am going alone. That is a long drive to take by myself. I can do it, I just wish I didn’t have too. Cost will also be a factor. I’m staying in a hotel, renting a car, and having to buy food for six days on the road, trying to avoid fast food as much as possible. Still, it will be something new, I’m going to a different state, one that I’ve never visited. I’ll get to take part in a small event, no more than five hundred participants. I hope, I’ll get to tweet, post pictures, and thoughts from the expo.
Finally, the Extra-Life Marathon. While not a new experience, it will be amazing. I’ve enjoyed every year I’ve taken part and I look forward to it every year. It’s long, exhausting, involved, and to some extent nerve-wracking. It’s also an amazing, fun, wonderful, inspiring, and humbling experience. It was one of the highlight from 2015 and I expect it to be so in 2016.
There are a few events in limbo. It is possible that I will take part in a qualifier tournament for Star Wars Imperial Assault at the end of January. Though I’m not sure at this point. I’d love to attend Gencon in August, but the expense and amount of prep work on getting a hotel room, tickets, and the cost may prove insurmountable.
There is also the matter of January, I want an event for January. I think I will try and have friends over to play an RPG one-shot and attempt to record the event for either my blog, as a podcast, or a video for my YouTube channel. It may not work, but at least I will try. What RPG I will play is currently bound to three different choices. I’m considering The End of the World: Wrath of the Gods, Fiasco, or Maid. I realize these are wildly different style of games. However, they are each, in their own way, a story-telling experience.

Those are my plans. This is my promise: I will write at least one gaming related post each month in 2016. It will focus on at least one new event, experience, or special occasion. I will work to do this. If I break this promise to you, my readers, please hold accountable. I am asking you to come at me bro. If I screw up, harangue me, harry me with messages, comments, and generally cross glances. Give me what fore. Hopefully you won’t have too.

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