Listening to the lore discussions this week on YouTube I was inspired to write another story. I wanted to focus on one of the other characters I really like, Ko'lel. I'm loving the lore that keeps coming out about the game and can't wait to see all they have planned.
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Image from Super Fantasy Brawl by Mythic Games. |
raised his head and growled. Ko’lel paused and began gathering her weapons. She
knew not to doubt To’paque’s senses. Even if she hadn’t detected anything the
raptor’s senses were much more finely honed than her own.
slid the saddle on To’paque’s back making sure to tighten the straps just
enough. She grabbed her blowgun and slid it into the holster across her back;
giving it a slight tug to make sure it would come free when needed. She tied
the quiver of poison needles to her belt within easy reach of a quick grab and
There was a noise from somewhere else in the
ruins. She paused and listened to try and detect which side of the old temple
her quarry was now. It took a long moment by she heard another noise. Someone
had stepped on one of the piles of dried leaves she’d left scattered about the
area. It sounded like they were in the western part of the temple.
scratched To’paque’s chin as she moved to climb on his back. “How many do you
think there are old friend?” Firmly mounted in saddle she clicked her tongue.
To’paque shifted his stance becoming more aggressive. After a half a breath he
lunged forward, jumped up onto some vines, hopped past a patch of large jungle
blooms, and vanished through a hole in the ceiling.
moved across the ruins using crumbling walls and branches to follow a nearly
impossible route. The few times they were forced to the ground to move from one
area to another would only leave tracks the invaders could hardly follow. It
didn’t take long before the pair had found their quarry.
group of Moontouched had entered the ruins. The group was large, thirty
warriors. They had fanned out into one of the larger rooms; an old prayer
and Ko’lel dropped gently on top of an old statue that had once stood thirty
feet high with outstretched arms that reached across the room. Now it was a
crumbling reminder of a better time. The pair hunched down and used the statues
head to hide their presence. Ko’lel wanted to learn who she was up against.
The Moontouched moved with precision and purpose. These weren’t ordinary soldiers;
this group was highly trained and required few instructions. They had worked
together for a long time and knew their jobs well.
covered the doors in groups of three. A few were scanning the upper walls of
the room looking for entry points. Another group watched the canopy of trees
that had replaced the toppled ceiling. A few moved to the center of the room
and set out maps and journals. It was hard to tell but Ko’lel thought some of
them might be maps of the area.
of the Moontouched walked the room making quiet comments to different groups. A
word here, a gesture there. Anywhere he pointed someone quickly went and made a
change or rechecked a location. Ko’lel smiled, she had found their commander.
was tall and proud with broad shoulder. A long red cloak hung from his back.
His armor was dark with bone ornamentation. A heavy blade hung at his side.
would have to keep track of him. If she could remove this one from the fight it
would demoralize the others. If she timed it right they might route. With a
group like this, trained experienced fighters, you never removed the commander
first. His second would just step in to fill the role. If you brought them down
in the heat of battle it could sow confusion while the rest figured out what
had happened.
watched the group looking for more targets. Over time she picked out a few more
likely subjects. Another warrior in red that the commander paid deference too.
Possibly a favored officer of family member. A few other officers or squad
leaders; the ones who took command of individual groups when the commander
wasn’t close enough to give orders. A few older veterans who seemed to have
been there a while and might be easy to remove. Finally a young recruit who
hadn’t yet found his place as he was constantly being sent from one group to
another; he might be easy to pick off while moving alone through the ruins.
decided to try something. She waited until the young recruit was moving between
groups and fired a small stone from her blowgun at him. The pebble bounced off
his armor with no effect other than to get his attention. When he glanced up
she took that moment to have To’paque bound up into the canopy of leaves and
branches; exiting the room.
heard the recruit raise the alarm behind her. There was commotion and
excitement for a few moments as she moved To’paque to the cover of the tall
flowering branches of a nearby tree. They nestled into a nook in the tree and
waited to hear what came next.
The Moontouched leapt into action. She recognized quick tactical movements from the
men below as they quickly executed prepared actions. Small squads fanned out
and covered different areas. Soldiers drew battle lines and started scanning
the tree line looking for her. But they were looking too far away. They quickly
passed her hiding spot and tried to find signs of her from deeper in the ruins
and forest. After several minutes they slowly moved back to the main area.
she heard the commander yelling. The young recruit was being dressed down for
raising a false alarm. The other soldiers laughed and the young man was sent
away. Ko’lel considered picking him off but he was sent in the wrong direction
for her to reach him quickly without giving away her presence.
the recruit banished to the jungle the rest of the Moontouched returned to
their duties. However, now the tension had been broken. Where they had worked
in silence before small talk and laughter were heard through the camp.
smiled. Now that they were distracted she moved to signal reinforcements. She
signaled To’paque to stay in place and climbed to the highest branches of the
tree. She removed colored fronds from her pack and formed them into a bundle;
three red and a violet. The reds indicated ten soldiers each and the violet
marked a commander.
was a good method of communication. The fronds were bright and easily seen from
a distance. Finding them in a tree would only stand out to someone familiar
with the jungle. These fronds grew in the ground around the base of trees. The
rest of her people would easily be able to spot the fronds and know their
significance. Outsiders were unlikely to follow the same thoughts.
crept back to To’paque and waited. It didn’t take long before a shrill whistle
cut through the air. It passed for a bird screech, but the type it mimicked
nested much farther north this time of year. She scanned the tree line looking
for a sign of where her people might be. She spotted two yellow fronds hanging
from the canopy of trees. Twenty gnomes. They’d be outnumbered but they had the
element of surprise. It would have to do.
climbed onto To’paques back and brushed his neck, as much a way to prepare him
for what was to come as a sign of affection. She slid her blowgun from its
holster and prepared her attack. The gnomes would wait for her signal. They
knew she was here and would expect her to lead the charge. She looked for the
commander trying to keep stock of where he was in the mass below. He’d moved
out of view and she couldn’t see him anymore.
well. He’d be along in a moment.
fired a dart from her blowgun at one of the soldiers she had marked as a squad
leader. The dart struck him in the neck. It was a moment before the poison took
hold. Another moment after that and he was gone. As Moontouched moved to see
what was wrong she let out a battle cry and urged To’paque out of their hiding
leapt from the trees into the mass of troops. The pair landed in the middle of
the group of Moontouched forcing them back in a burst of fangs and claws.
Before the enemy could respond To’paque had flexed his legs and they were gone.
Leaping effortlessly into the trees once more.
dropped from the canopy of trees over the Moontouched and the battel was on in
earnest. The initial assault went to her people, felling a few of the Moontouched. The enemy recovered quickly and many of them joined the battle
shifting into their bestial wolf form. Ko’lel’s people used their quick
movements and small size to get out from under the thrust of the Moontouched
counter attack. Some gnomes still fell under the fury of the assault.
and To’paque bound into and out of the combat. Poison darts and claws cutting
into the enemy. Ko’lel spotted the enemy commander. He stood on the outskirts
of the battle. The commander’s sword was
raised above his head, its blade glowing with a destructive red light. He was
about to strike down on an injured gnome.
whistled a command to To’paque and the pair leapt in the direction of the
commander. They hurtled over the intervening forces and landed behind the
commander. To’paque’s tongue shot out and wrapped around the commanders neck.
With a vicious tug the commander was pulled backwards.
commander swung his sword wildly trying to slash at To’paque. Ko’lel moved in
the way. She used her blowgun to block the attack. The glowing red blade dug
deep into the reed blowgun ripping a chunk from it. It would be useless now but
it didn’t matter. Ko’lel had to protect her friend.
commander dropped to one knee. His swings coming slower and with less force
behind them. He tried to move forward. Force his way free.
hunkered down and dug in his claws. He pulled back. Forcing the commander
backwards off his feet. He drug the semi-conscious commander. Forcing the Moontouched to fight to get his footing. Fight for his breath.
the camp a scream of rage tore through the air. Ko’lel looked up to see the
young recruit from earlier. Unlike the other moontouched he had not yet adopted
his wolf form.
began moving forward when he convulsed. Inches added to his height. His
shoulder broadened. His armor strained, cracked, and tore. He dropped to all
fours as the spasms subsided.
stood. His body torn and cut from where his armor tore from him. With sword and
claw he charged at Ko’lel across the clearing.
commander still fought. Ko’lel didn’t want to leave him until the job was done.
Until he was gone. She jumped onto the commanders back, pulled a dart from her pouch, and stabbed it into the
commander’s neck.
recruit reached a small skirmish. Three gnomes had engaged a Moontouched
soldier. The recruit slashed into the gnomes. His long claws drew blood. A
small body flew from the melee and landed in a crumpled heap. The Moontouched
soldier reached for the recruit. The recruit tore into the soldier with his
soldier fell to the earth.
began to feel a sense of panic. What was wrong with this recruit? She drew
another dart and stabbed the commander. Then another. And Another.
recruit reached another melee in the middle of the room. Three Moontouched were
about to finish off a gnome. The recruit stabbed the gnome through his spine. Then
with no recognition of friend or foe he slaughtered the Moontouched in his way
as well.
commander fell still. Finally succumbing to the assault of tongue and poison.
To’paque released the body and Ko’lel mounted the lizard. She quickly signaled
a retreat. The other gnomes broke for the forest. They took those they could
reach with them.
urged To’paque and the pair launched into the trees. She hazarded a glance back
to see if there was any pursuit. The Moontouched gathered around body of their
commander. The young recruit having released his wolf form knelt next to the
body. He cradled his commander’s head against his chest and screamed to the
If you're interested in the games lore and characters check out the Super Fantasy Brawl Facebook page.
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