*Note* Much like the last
time I wrote one of these, this is a rough piece. Like the last time I won’t be
editing this, cleaning it up, or going back over it. I apologize for any
disconnect in the words.
I was driving to the
store when I heard about the capitol. I’ve wondered off and on if I’ll remember
that the same way I remember being at work when 911 happened. I reacted the
same to both, as soon as I had access to a TV, I turned it on to the news and
followed along. In both instances I was angry, hurt, upset, and stunned. I
wasn’t sure what would happen, if everyone would be all right, or even how long
it would last.
In the time since I’ve
gotten to think about that day and the people who were there. Not just the
rioters and the politicians. There were other people there too. The congress
had their staffers present. There were cleaning staff, security, and
maintenance. I think there’s a cafeteria which means those folks were there
too. I hope they were safe too. I don’t know though since no one talks about
I want to be angry about
On some level I am. I’m
angry it happened, I’m angry people were surprised. I’m angry the National
Guard wasn’t there because the Mayor’s request was turned down. I’m sure it’s
because someone decided there wasn’t a credible threat. I wonder what they
think now.
I’m mad at the
politicians who pushed the fraud narrative without a single piece of proof.
They keep saying they have it but never produce it. We’re just supposed to
accept that it exists I guess. Funny how they won’t take our word for things
that have studies backing them.
I’m mad at the media that
backed them up. The ones who went out night after night and just kept spewing
this information. Propping it up and calling it real. The ones who did it even
though they couldn’t seem to provide any proof either.
I’m mad at Donald Trump
for pushing the lie. Screaming it at the top of his lungs. For courting the
people who did this. For calling out to them and telling them they were right.
I’m torn over being mad
at the police. Some of them tried. They fought back; pepper spray, shields, and
barricading doors. Some of them didn’t; opened gates, guided rioters, and had
selfies and fist pumps once they were inside. There was even one officer I saw,
alone, running from a crowd of armed men. The last I saw on the video was of
him turning and readying his baton to try and hold them off before the video
I want to be mad at the
rioters. I really want to, but I can’t be any madder at them then I am at a
bullet. That’s what they were; a bullet. The rally was the gun and Donald Trump
aimed it at the Capitol (he even told them what road to take) and pulled the
trigger. He had help, his son, Rudy. They all helped. “Trial by combat”…for
fucks sake.
I want to be mad at the
rioters but I keep thinking back to an interview I watched when I was in high
school. A Jewish gentlemen whose family escaped Germany just before the war
when he was a teenager talked about the night he broke curfew. He eft all of his
identifying marks at home, snuck out of the house, and went to a Nazi rally to
see what happened there. He recounted watching the soldiers, hearing the band,
and listening to the speeches. Then he came out. The evening ended with Hitler
speaking. The gentleman in the video talked about how the speech was long and
powerful. During it he blamed the Jews for all of Germany’s ills and the crowd
cheered; even that young Jewish teenager hidden among them. He was very
specific about this part. You see he wasn’t cheering because he was afraid he’d
be found out. He was caught up in the moment; calling for the cleansing of the
Jews. It wasn’t until he got home, back in his room, and sat on his bed that
he’d realized what he’d done that night.
He got out, he was lucky.
I often think back to that interview I watched all those decades ago. It haunts
me. I wish I could remember his name. I’d love to credit him here.
Because of that story I
can’t completely hate the rioters. Not all of them. Some of them; yes, but not
I’d written an entire
half a page on how they’d been lied to, but it’s unimportant here. I may write
it again later. For now, let’s focus on that day.
I said earlier I don’t
hate all of the police there but I do hate some of the rioters. The overlap is
in that officer I saw on that video as he ran away. As armed men chased him,
other officers posed for selfies and fist-bumped the rioters. Today I saw a
photo of the one officer who died during this. I’m almost positive it was the
same man. If I’m right then that video probably ends just before he did.
*Note* Since I published this I have learned these are not the same officer. The officer running from the crowd was risking his own life to lead the rioters away from the Senate and others. The Officer who died while trying to hold the crowd back outside when they were hit in the head with a fire extinguisher and then beaten to death with American flags. Bot officers were heroes trying to do their jobs. The rest of my statement still stands.
I have family and friends
who are Law Enforcement; not in DC but still. I have friends and family who are
in the medical field, fire fighters and paramedics. I can’t imagine he didn’t
try and call for help. I can’t believe he didn’t try to reach out for another
office to come to his aid. While he was doing that, some assholes were posing
for pictures and handing out fist bumps. I can’t help but think of my loved
ones who hold that same job. The worst part is, I just know that every officer
fist bump and detective selfie that was in the Capitol will go to that man’s
funeral and tell his widow how sad they are; how it’s a real tragedy what
happened, and if only they’d been there. I can only hope that every one of those
officers at the very minimum lose their ability to work as police ever again.
Ideally, they get to go to jail too. Unfortunately, when this is all said and
done, I’m mad because they’ll probably still be cops.
I’m back.
I know for you it’s only
been a single space but I had to walk away for a little bit. I have a lot more
I can talk about right now, but this is already pretty long and I want to wrap
it up.
Here’s a few bullet
People keep saying Donald
Trump can’t be responsible for this. How was he to know? If this were the first
time, I would give it to him. I know this because I did. The first time it
happened that someone acted on Trumps words and shot people. I even gave him
the benefit of the doubt the second time it happened. It has now occurred so
often, including someone sending bombs to people Trump said were enemies of
America that I have ask how he could not know this was going to happen. At this
point I can’t believe he’s not doing it expecting this outcome.
The Mayor of DC asked for
the National Guard and was told no. They were eventually called in, by Pence;
not Donald. He was too busy calling the rioters beautiful, special, and loved.
The same group that said they were going to do this before the riot have
announced their intention to return for the inauguration with more weapons,
armor, and numbers than any modern military can hope to stand against. I
imagine the Mayor of DC will once again ask for the National Guard, I wonder
how it will go this time.
Several members of the
public, media, and government have repeatedly told Black Lives Matter that they
have been protesting wrong. That kneeling peacefully is the wrong way to
protest. Marching peacefully is the wrong way to protest. Holding peaceful
sit-ins is the wrong way to protest. These same people have announced the
rioters who assaulted the capitol were just doing what they felt was right as
Americans. That arming themselves and assaulting the government was the right
thing to do. I cannot help but wonder if any of the Black Lives Matter movement
won’t take this particular lesson and run with it and at this point, I won’t be
surprised and I’m not sure I can blame them for following the example.
On my way home from the
store I pass several house who were still flying Trump 2020 flags. Even Tuesday
as the assault on the Capitol occurred I saw them flying in yards. Today as I
drove home three of those house had removed the signs. I take that as a
I talked about a lot of
things I’m mad at. Which is unusual for me. I tend to look for the best in
people. I’ve always loved America as long as I can remember, I’ve loved this
country and look for the best in it. I know we aren’t perfect. We make mistakes
and the thing I’ve always been proud of is how America comes together to try
and fix those things. That is something that has always stuck out to me. No
matter what, we can always try and make things better.
The problem and the thing
I’m most angry about is that I’m not sure I believe that anymore. The one thing
that I feel defines us as a country is gone. I don’t know that we’ll get it
back, and right now…I don’t want to be proud of America anymore. That’s not
true, I want to be proud of America, and I’m just not right now. I’m not even
really mad about that. I want to be, but I’m not angry about it. That’s the
hardest part, I just realized I’m not even mad. It hurts me down to my soul and
is a cliché, I’m not mad…I’m just so goddamned disappointed.
We should be better than this.