is RPGaDay2017?
link here to the actual group. Basically, it’s a series of questions that you
can answer. There are 31 questions that you can answer to help shine a light on
the different reasons people play role-play games. Here are my answers…
Question #1 What
Published Rpg do I wish I were playing right now?
I’ve discussed my love of X-Crawl here so I won’t go into it right now in
detail. I will say that It’s one of the games I’ve always enjoy coming back to.
I love the story lines, the adventures, and the effect it has on players. One
of the classes of player is often described as murder hobo. All they want to do
is travel from place to place and kill everything in their path. They don’t
role-play, care about NPCs, or worry about story. They would be happy to enter
a dungeon, go to the bottom, kill all the monsters, get the treasure, and
repeat. There is nothing wrong with that, hell, there are days that describes
me. I’ve watched murder hobos start a game of X-Crawl and suddenly, half way
through, they care what the crowd thought of their character, they start
describing their actions, and taking the time to have their character do things
that weren’t “optimal” because they wanted to do something “cool”.
is a simple premise, modern day dungeon crawling as an extreme sport. You don’t
need a complicated background, your character is here because of the same
reasons that most athlete’s play sports: money, fame, love of the game, or a
means to escape their neighborhood/town/family. The rooms don’t have to fit
into an ecology; anything can appear in the next room, sword and board orcs in
the last room, dinosaurs in this one, and techno dance ogres in the next; makes
perfect sense. Monsters with awesome weapons you can’t have guarding amazing
treasure that you can, seems legit.
with all of that, with the basic formula, one part D&D, one part
professional wrestling, one part the Running man, and one part game show, you
get something amazing. You get someone who made a character to be the best,
most broken character they could create look at you and say, “I could hit those
six guys and lock them down or I could pop a can of my sponsors energy drink, run
across the room, draw six attacks of opportunity, leap over the moat, charging
the warlord, and scream out my battle cry, before smashing him with my hammer
in an over hand swing like I’m playing an angry game of Whak-a-Mole. I guess
why I love X-Crawl.
Question #2 What is an RPG you’d like to see published?
I have two answers for this, one specific and one general. The specific one first since it will be the faster of the two. I want to play an RPG of Overwatch. I want the slightly futuristic, wild powers and abilities, heroic figures facing off in exotic locations. I love the idea of making my own agent and going into that world to battle the forces of Talon and deal with the politics of Omnic’s and people, the crime that’s over taken the world, and the idea that Overwatch isn’t a welcome return. People hate them for what Reaper and the Blackwatch did. The idea of being a group that shows up to help and the people we’re trying to help may be resistant and outright hostile to us appeals to me.
The general category I’d like is a straight spy game. I’d like it somewhere between Bond and Mission Impossible, TV series not movies. Actually, now that I think about it, the MI movies are half way between the TV series and the Bond films. I want modern day spies, gadgets, over the top villains, and wild plots to take over the world, manipulate the stock market, or topple governments. There have been attempts at this, Spy Craft from AEG was a lot of fun but suffered from a class of spy, the Driver, which felt totally unnecessary it till it was absolutely required. The Driver only functioned in a car or other vehicle. They could do some espionage work outside of a vehicle but most theirs skills were vehicle specific. Driver’s never felt like they were being useful. The reverse problem, vehicle combat and chases, required a driver and the different tricks and talents only they got. If you didn’t have one, the team felt like they weren’t accomplishing anything.
I want a spy game that may have a class system, but allows every class and player to feel like they’re always helping. I know that there’s a bit of a problem there because someone might want to play the guy at the keyboard with the wall of monitors who talks into the other player’s ears. How do you make it so they always feel like they’re contributing if they’re not there?
I know there are other spy games out there right now. Every one I’ve found is a spies with a twist, it’s the X-Files, Men in Black, there are Illuminates, mystic organizations, Lovecraftian death cults, or vampires. It’s never some mad man with a cat who wants to control the UN.
Anyway, that’s what I want to play. If you know any way I can, please leave a comment either below or on my Facebook.
Question #3: How do I find out about new
the most part, the internet. More specifically, various YouTube channels are
great for this. Itmejp has a wonderful play series called One Shot where they
play different games, I’ve learned about Maid, Through the Loop, Apocalypse
World, and World Wide Wrestling through them. I enjoy Geek & Sundry for
different things posted on Table Top, or many of the articles they’ve written
that have pointed out things to me, like Misspent Youth, Dread, and Star Trek
Adventures. Beyond that Kickstarter has some wonderful RPG’s that I enjoy
checking out, I backed The Land of Yeld through them. Outside of the internet,
I talk to my friends and people at the game store. Never underestimate the
useful tool that is other human beings.
haven’t done it in a long time, but playing in smaller games at conventions is
always useful. I found Brendan LeSalle and Panda Head Publishing at their first
Origins and played in the premier Buckeye Crawl. I still talk about ziplinning
into a room a room with orcs ziplinning in from the opposite direction. I
played Weapons of the Gods for the first time at GenCon. I tried out Spy Craft
at a convention, I think it was GenCon. I played a really interesting mafia
game at a local convention at Wright State. Never be afraid to wander a
convention’s vendor hall and find the little booths off to one side and ask
what they’ve got and if they’re running it somewhere, they will be thrilled to
have you and you may have just found your new favorite game.
I look to FreeRPG Day every year. It is so worth going to your local store and
taking part in the day. I want to be clear on this, take part in the day. So
often people show up in the first fifteen minutes, grab every free thing they
can get, and leave. Stay and play things. I always volunteer to run two tables
and usually only get one. I played Dungeon Crawl Classics for the first time at
FreeRPG Day, I own the book now. I’ve played Saga, Lamentations of a Flame
Princess (which was tricky in a family friendly public space), a weird X-Files
like spy game. Every year there’s something I haven’t heard of at FreeRpg Day,
I don’t always get to play it, but it’s always something new.
my list. Let me know where you look in the comments or on Facebook. I’m always looking for new
Question #4: Which RPG have you played
the most since August 2016?
had to edit this before I posted it because there seems to be people are
answering it in 2 different ways. I look at running a game as playing it but a
lot of answers I’ve seen aren’t focusing it that way. I now two answers to this
question because of that.
original answer was, I’ve been playing a lot of Through the Breach (TTB). I
haven’t played in a few months because of RL reasons as happens. But I have run
it a bit. I like TTB, the tarot reading system they use for character
generation and how each characters fate is resolved gives the campaign a five
act structure that ends. The story ends. I love that we are working towards
something. I also love that you can get some really great character moments. In
one of my games from a while ago, we had a moment where players could see their
characters ending up on different sides of a problem. At the end of the session
everyone was real quiet and one of the players said, “I can very easily see
this campaign ending with a bunch of people in a room pointing guns at one
another, and I’m not sure if there are going to be anyone but our characters in
there.” He meant it as a good thing. I also love that it took two more sessions
before they figured out a way for them to all be on the same side in the end. I
love that I ran a game where this happened.
game I’m now adding is Sword and Wizardry (S&W). A friend of mine is
running it. S&W is a throwback to
old school D&D. It’s cleaner than 1st edition but not quite 2nd.
I guess it’s more of a D&D 1.5 which is fine. We’re running through a
modified Rappan Athuk, the Dungeon of Graves. Right now it’s a lot of hallways.
I’m still having fun, I’m looking forward to leveling up and getting to do some
cooler stuff. I’m a 2nd level rogue right now so a lot of what I’m
doing is detecting traps by setting them off and stabbing guys for minimal
damage with a dagger.
that’s where I’m at, what are you folks playing? I’ve been following along and reading
a lot of different answers on twitter with the Hashtags #RPGaDay and
#RPGaDay2017 head over there, check out the conversation. I’m learning about a
lot of new games.
Question #6: You can game every day of
the week. Describe what you’d do.
only way I can imagine this happening is at a convention. This may not be how
anyone else answers the question, but I’m going to assume a con. I’ll even be
specific and assume GenCon.
would try and play in Brendan LaSalle’s X-Crawl, hopefully twice. He usually
runs once at the Ram with Kentucky Fried Gaming and then has a Crawl he runs
over the course of the con. I’d also try and add at least one session of
Through the Breach in there somewhere. I’d do a day or two of a living
campaign. I think they’re amazing and love the hell out of them. I would try to
sign up for a few new things that I’ve gotten interested in for at least one
day, I’m really into the new Star Trek Adventures, Dread, and Misspent Youth. I
would spend one day playing in a Malifaux tournament, it’s not an RPG, but it’s
what I’d play. I would spend a day playing board games. Some of this would
change on when I would be able to spend time playing with friends.
I am
going to throw out what would happen if not at a con. Mostly because that last
line is the one that matters. I would have to have friends available. I think
it would look very similar. Some board games, some Malifaux, and some RPG’s
most likely X-Crawl and Through the Breach if I’m running and probably Sword
& Wizardry and Age of Rebellion when I’m not.
if I get to play for an entire week, I just hope I get to spend a lot of it
with my friends.
Question #7: What was your most
impactful RPG session?
in 2010 I was incredibly lucky to get the opportunity to write and then run a
D&D adventure that was part of The
Level Eater a multi-media gallery exhibit based on Dungeons & Dragons. I
wrote an adventure, took it to Chicago, and spent the weekend running it for
people I’d never met. The entire weekend was amazing, but a moment in the
second dungeon was a stand out for me. The players had managed to track the
evil cult down and make their way to a ritual to open a gateway that would
summon Loth. We had the fight, the party barely won, and they saved all of the
sacrifices. There were two moments that stood out. The first, a cultist got
ripped through a portal to a hell dimension the size of a baseball then came
back as a spider like creature where it was clear something had put him back
together they just weren’t familiar with how humans worked. The players, people
I did not know, were visibly shaken by the description of the death and return.
The second, the cult leader escaped and when he did one of the players loudly
exclaimed, “I hate this fucking guy.” Everyone at the table agreed with him.
written things all of my life. My own adventures, stories, poems, and what have
you. Being a writer professionally had always been an interesting theory. It
was never a thing I really thought I could do. It was something I mused about,
but it was a fantasy job, that other people had. After that weekend, it was the
only thing I could imagine being.
weekend, that session, was the reason I went back to school, a thing I
despised. I got fired from a job shortly after that weekend and it didn’t faze
me. I was actually happy to leave. For the first time, not having a job wasn’t
scary. I was worried about how I’d pay my bills, but I didn’t care that I was
I wrote evoked emotional response in people I didn’t know, who sat right in
front of me. I do not have the words for how amazing that is. I literally changed
my life.
Question #8: What is a good RPG to play
for session of two hours or less?
my money, Fiasco is the best at this and that time includes character creation.
It’s a quick, fun storytelling game that encourages roleplay. You’re basically
playing out a Cohen Brothers movie. Everyone has plans, no one gets along, and
bad things happen to everyone. You have dice but with the exception of
character creation, where they are just used to define motivations and
relationships, they are only used for tracking outcomes. The only thing that
holds some people back is that nobody wins Fiasco. It’s not a game about
winning or succeeding. It’s a game about bad things happening to small people.
People who have dared to dream too big and for the wrong reasons. You can have
incredibly funny moments or things that reach out and touch you. In my first
game, we reached a point where my one legged civil war survivor was laying in
the street as his best friend beat him with his own crutch and had no idea why
it was happening. It was vicious, sad, and so well deserved.
a game that will give you moments to remember.
that you will still talk about years later.
you’re interested there are a couple of nice videos online. Tabletop has a
great one that ends dramatically and Easy Allies have several that go a funnier
Question #9: What is a good RPG to play
for about ten sessions?
oddly caught in a middle ground on this one. There are a lot of games I can
think of that play over long campaigns. Similarly, I can think of a lot of
games that work great for one evening. I would say Through the Breach, which
has the built in timeline of five session per player. However, I used it
already and wanted to try and talk about new stuff where possible. I think what
you want for a ten session game is a one that encourages a strong narrative but
has the feel of reaching a conclusion. After thinking about it for a while I
came up with Spirit of 77.
is a wonderful game where you’re basically living through all the best shows of
the 1970’s and 80’s. Your characters are flashy, over the top, and bizarre.
They fill the world with their egos and personalities. You want to be a trucker
with a monkey? We can do that. Want to play cousins with a fast car? We got
you. Want to play a rock and roll alien who’s come to Earth to solve crime?
Welcome to the table.
game lends itself to an episodic feel with a slight thread that combines all of
the adventures, much like a season of television. At the end you learn that
everything was connected and the mastermind behind it was really the local
corrupt mayor and his sheriff stooge. Once you’ve beaten him it feels done. It
feels like you’ve finished your story and can go on hiatus until next season.
When a group of oil barons are working behind the scenes to disrupt your small
town in order to drill for the riches located beneath the youth center.
Question #10: Where do you go for RPG
of the answer for this question is found back in question #3, where I learn
about new RPG’s. I go to Geek & Sundry and Red Dice Diaries for the same
reasons I learn about new games there. I also go to Drive Thru RPG for user
I go to YouTube. I like to type in the name of an RPG I’m interested in and
watch play sessions. Watching other people play the game gives me a good idea
of how the game works and whether or not it will be a good fit for you and your
like watching play-throughs because it gives me a better idea of how the game
works and what I’ll be looking for.
Question #11: Which ‘dead game’ would
you like to see reborn?
was an easy one for me. I know that several people will disagree with it but my
first choice was Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition. I miss how
heroic my characters felt at level one. You had so many options, powers, ideas,
and actions you could do. I loved the way combat worked, the monsters felt
dynamic, and the heroes felt like heroes.
know that a lot of people felt it was D&D Warcraft. I don’t think that’s
true, but I can understand the reasoning behind the belief. Still, I enjoyed
it more than any other version of D&D I’ve ever played. Most of my D&D
stories come from 4th edition. Everything from the time my elf
barbarian with a sledge hammer leapt off a ship traveling through a bridge in space
to charge an abolith to the time my hafling cleric of the god of trickery
convinced a gathered crowd to turn on the Zentharim soldiers who were claiming
responsibility for ‘saving’ the town from gnolls.
further this school of thought there were two specific settings in D&D I
loved and would love to see return. Planescape and Spell Jammer. Planescape had
such wonderful factions, politics, and the mechanic of doors opening to
anywhere, any setting or time that made it so much fun to run with. Your first level
character could find themselves on the bottom level of the Abyss because he
walked through the wrong door holding a copper ring. Admitidly, that’s an
extreme example but still. It was a world where everyone belonged to factions,
worked towards hidden goals, and went up against dark cults. It was a more
espionage based D&D where players had the universe to play in. It gave us
had a wonderful bravado that D&D misses most times. You’re space pirates,
sailing ships, fighting mindflayers, and pulling off these crazy maneuvers. There
was a mechanic in the game for throwing yourself off one side of the boat and
using the gravity plane to slingshot yourself around the bottom and up onto the
other side. That was a thing you could do. Spelljammer is the reason a gnome
saying opps is scary.
Question #12: Which RPG has the most
inspiring art?
don’t normally remember the art in games. I’ve been in this hobby since the ‘70s
and I don’t remember a lot of the art used over the years. I will admit that in
recent years the interior art has started standing out to me. I think to some
degree this is due to the number of Kickstarter games vying for our attention. One
of the ones that really stood out to me was Tales from the Loop.
believe all of the art in Tales is done by Simon Stalenhag. The pieces are
amazing. They all completely bring into focus the world of the game while at
the same time just being beautiful. They all show a stark world where the
technology has gotten a little too advanced a little too quickly. Most of it mirrors the game by featuring
children alone with some sort of monstrosity. There are rarely adults or
authority figures in the pieces except for the occasional police officer of
patrol car, which in themselves are not always reassuring, especially if you’ve
seen a lot of old ‘80s movies.
love the art in this book and it so perfectly captures a time that never
happened anywhere but in the minds of millions of children who grew up in the
1980’s. Children like me.
the campaign is gone, you can see a lot of the art from the game here and I
recommend going and taking a look.
Question #13: Describe a game experience
that changed how you play.
a brief second I almost considered writing about my gallery show. I realized
though that my experience, while life changing, had no effect on how I run or
play games. To answer this question, I had to sort of figure out how I used to
play, which was a psychotic murder hobo as a player and a confrontational
douchebag as a DM. I’m not proud of that, but I understand where I came from.
Now, I’m far more concerned with story and character. I love watching the
players succeed, I love hearing their stories, and giving the players a
ridiculous amount of choices. I designed a D&D game that was essentially a
West Marches campaign for a single group without knowing what those were. I had
to take both of those places and go back and forth until I narrowed it down to
a game where I changed and then figure out what occurred that impacted me.
came up with 2002ish and the Buckeye Crawl, aka my first game of X-Crawl at
origins. Part of what affected me, was the game. I love X-Crawl and I enjoy
playing it and singing its praises. It’s over the top, harder than hell, and
deadly as all get out in all the best ways. However, as I thought about it the
thing that showed me how to game better was not the setting but the GM.
LaSalle, who wrote the book and created the setting, ran the session I played
in. The way he ran the game causes me to tell people that if you are at a
convention where he is running X-Crawl, you need to play in it. In fact, in a
few days from my writing this, he’ll be at Gencon, if you’re going and he’s
running X-Crawl, get in that game. Everything about that experience was a new
way of seeing things for me.
the game even started, he encouraged us to think of our characters, were we faces
(good guys) or heels (bad guys). The game we were playing simulated a televised
dungeon crawl, we were basically professional wrestlers with swords. Once we’d
picked our characters, he asked us to pick our actors. He said, “If they make
X-Crawl the movie, who’s playing your character and money, time, or
availability don’t matter. If they’re dead, we’ll resurrect them and put them
in the show.” I think I was a dwarf Sean Connery, I even did a bad accent. I’d
never done that before. Until then, my characters had all been a version of me.
They we’re dwarves, elves, wizards, rangers, or street samurai, but deep down,
they were all me. They could physically do things I couldn’t, but they made the
same decisions I would, said what I would say, and reacted the way I felt I
the game started, Brendan stood up. He stood for the entire game. He was
excited, vibrant, constantly moving, I’d never seen that before. Until then,
I’d played in basements and at dinner tables with my friends, or at a
convention where the DM was on their third or fourth day of running the same
module. It’s a little thing and I get that, but the energy he brought to the
table set the tone.
also spent time describing our actions, and the monsters actions. He was
genuinely happy when we did something good, laughed when we were amazing, and
described the crowd cheering when we did something epic. When we won a fight,
succeeded at a room, or got past a puzzle he congratulated us. He wanted us to
be the stars of the show because that’s how TV works, but also it’s how a
really fun session or campaign should work too.
have tried to keep most of the things with me from that day. Whenever I run for
new players, be it X-Crawl at my local game store or D&D at an established
game day, I ask them to pick an actor to play their character. I don’t stand at
the table, I’m not in that kind of shape, but I use my hands, change my voice,
I try to make myself a presence at the table. I celebrate with the players. I’m
going to say that again, I celebrate with the players. There are DM’s that
don’t and I feel like they start to resent the players after a while; I know I
used to.
don’t think I’ve played me since then. Certainly, my characters have some of my
character traits, I’m sarcastic as hell and it’s hard to get rid of that.
Still, I’m very much a different player now. RPG’s used to be a puzzle to solve
and now it’s an evening with my friends to tell stories.
Question #14: Which RPG do you prefer
for open-ended campaign play?
two answers for this, one I love to run and one I love to play. I love running
an open ended Dungeons & Dragons campaign. I like creating a setting and
giving the group a couple of options and landmarks and letting them chose where
to go next. I usually send out an email that tells them about major events like
festivals or royal visits, local rumors, and new non player characters who have
arrived. Occasionally, I will send a player a private email about something
specific to their character. For example I once sent a character emails about a
series of dreams they had over the course of a few sessions that eventually led
to them figuring out where a lost tomb was. I always ask the players a bit
ahead of time to tell me what they want to explore or follow up on and then
prep that adventure. Though I usually have an idea of what I’m going to do with
each one before they decide.
one I love to play in was my friend Scot’s Shadowrun campaign. Early on Scot
gave us a job and we did it. As the campaign went on he started telling us
rumors about people looking for work or having multiple people reach out to us
with jobs. We got to research the people looking for us or the jobs we’d heard
about to find out about the people hiring us, how they’d worked in the past,
what they typically paid, and how up front and honest they were with previous
teams they’d hired.
are the things I’ve loved in the past.
Question #15: Which RPG do you enjoy
adapting the most?
I’ve never adapted anything, I did look at some different systems last year
during my year of gaming challenges and experiments. At one point I had decided
to try and write my own rules set or adapt an existing one. I learned very
quickly that creating your own rules system is a skill set I do not have.
However, when it came to adapting an existing rules set to play my setting I
came down to two different games that looked like they would suit my purposes.
first was the Apocalypse World system. AW is a quick, character driven system
that is built around the idea of being adapted to suit the purposes of the
game. In fact there are a ton of different games available that use the Powered
by Apocalypse system. It really struck a chord with me that made me want to
look into it more. Unfortunately, my timing is awful. They had just started
their Kickstarter for second edition and had discontinued the sale of first
because of it. At the time I write this, it’s my understanding that second
edition is still not out yet. Once it is I want to get a copy and look into it
with a more critical eye. For right now, it has a promising light that shines
on my project.
second, was FATE Core. FATE is another fast, character driven game. It allows
for the group, both players and game master, to sit and create a setting and
system in a single session. You get your characters, ideas, and guide lines in
place. Using this system I would have had to do significantly less work to
create my own setting but much like AW I’ve never played it. This one I do own,
and I’m trying to carve out time to play it with a couple of friends and see
how it functions. But much like AW it also shines a promising light, just one
of a different color. All I need to do now is decide between green and blue.
realize that this isn’t a particularly satisfying answer. I have watched videos
of both systems in action I just haven’t played either. I hope to fix that. I
hope to attempt to get back to that unfinished project from last year.
Question alternate#16: What do you look
for in an RPG review?
using one of the alternate questions from the list today because I think my
answer from yesterday also answers today’s question which was, “What RPG do you
enjoy using as is?” Since that happened, I decide to go with one of the other
questions today.
think I’ve kind of answered this already but feel I can expand on it. I look
for mechanics, I want to know how easy the system is to learn, I hate having to
sit at the table and spend lots of time looking something up to make sure we’re
doing it right or simply avoiding it all together, I’m looking at you D&D 3.5
grappling rules. At the same time I don’t want a system that’s so devoid of
rules that it feels like nothing is going on. I admit there are exceptions to both
of these, I love Shadowrun and Fiasco.
something about the world and the setting are always a nice thing. A good setting
can make the difference between me wanting to try a game or not. If the world
is interesting, something I’ve never considered, or a twist on an old favorite.
The YouTuber Dodger has a RPG world she’s developed for Dungeon World that revolves
around gourmet dungeon crawls and fashion based wilderness hunts that’s pretty
fun sounding. The twist on the old setting was what attracted me to X-Crawl.
if I can see some gameplay I feel I can get a much better view of the game
itself. I love decent play sessions that give a little focus on the mechanics.
I don’t want them to stop every ten minutes to explain why they’re rolling the
dice, but I do like being given enough information to figure out what’s going
on. I saw a video of Star Trek Adventures recently where the DM, was texting
the players the things they discovered and descriptions of their locations, so
I wasn’t hearing them. They used roll 20 but weren’t showing the dice rolls
only announcing success or failure. I found that frustrating. Without seeing
those things it felt hard to follow and was a poor representation of the game.
While I know that gameplay isn’t exactly a review, I think it’s a factor in how
people view the game.
that’s what I look for.
Question #17: Which RPG have you owned
the longest but haven’t played?
answer to this one is easy, Grimm from Fantasy Flight games. I’ve never played
Grimm, I never expected to get to play Grimm. None of my friends were interested
in it and I wasn’t sure if we’d be able to play it at all. I bought this book
strictly to read about the world and the setting.
is a dark fairy tale game set in the world of the Grimm brothers where things
have gone terribly wrong. After Humpty Dumpty fell from the wall he cracked and
the spoiled, rotted from the inside. As the king of the land, his rot spread to
his kingdom and subjects. Horrible things have happened and many of the old favorite
characters have twisted and warped under these new rules. Cinderella forces her
step sisters, bound in collars and kept on leashes, to crawl in front of her
scrubbing the ground as punishment for how she was treated. The players take on
the role of children trapped in this world.
is part of where we as a group faltered. We thought it would be hard and in
some ways frustrating to play children. That we would have to remember that
kids are afraid of things like large barking dogs when adults know how to
handle these situations. We didn’t like the idea of having to react in a way
that relied on inexperience. We also felt it would be difficult to approach
challenges and riddles without relying on our own experiences to solve them. It
felt like it would be frustrating to know the solution to something but not be
able to act on it because our characters wouldn’t.
said, I found a large amount of the book and its contents fun to read. One of
the classes that still stands out to me is the every kid. You aren’t the hero,
you’re the every kid, the background child that no one remembers. The upside
was that you could go places unnoticed that the other players couldn’t. The
downside was that every time a random child was chosen for something bad to
happen, it happens to you because the every kids are the ones that die before
the story starts. I loved the concept of this. If the bad guys are specifically
looking for your group they won’t notice you, but fire one shot at random into
a crowd and you’re the target.
seen other games that have focused on playing children, like the Land of Yeld,
but those are all designed to be played with children; kids are players at the
table. Grimm was in no way for children. I think that’s the important
difference. If I play a RPG with kids, I tend to throw out suggestions but I
let them come up with the plans and ideas. I don’t try and solve the puzzles, I
let them do it. It’s easier to play a child character in that way because while
I may have solved the riddle or puzzle already, I like to let the kids at the
table have the chance to succeed.
Question #18: Which RPG have you played
the most in your life?
award goes to the granddaddy of them all, Dungeons & Dragons. You know I’m old-school,
I used an ampersand. On my tenth or eleventh birthday my mom got me a copy of
the boxed set of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. I played with my brother and
some friends a couple of times. When I got to high-school I met some friends
and we played there too. The first game I played at a gaming convention was
D&D. I’ve gone away and returned multiple times. I organized and ran an
adventure league at my local games store back when they called it Encounters.
has always been one of those games I’ll always go back too. I have fond
memories of games with friends, moments at conventions, and characters I’ve
created. I’ve run published works and original adventures. I can’t remember a
time when sitting and playing with friends wasn’t the best time. I still have
friends who play D&D, though I have not played with them since the launch
of fifth edition, or 5E. I miss sitting with my friends and going questing for
reasons I don’t play 5E are wrapped in a long story that’s completely unfair to
D&D and I may one day recount here on my blog. Today however, I look
wistfully at the people having fun and I want to go back, but I fear I may have
to wait until sixth edition. Still, I know that no matter how long it takes,
they will welcome me back as if I had never left. Til then, I can only hope
they role/roll well and wish them good fortune and safe journeys.
if you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotten something in my eye.
Question #19: Which RPG has the best
one is tricky because there are two ways to look at it. Are we looking for
clarity or entertainment?
the one hand since RPG’s are essentially rules manuals it could mean clarity.
It’s nice to have a well written rulebook that leaves you with no questions. I
think we can all agree that there are some rulebooks that are complete train
wrecks. (I’m looking at you D&D 3.5 grappling rules.) It’s nice to finish
reading a rulebook and have few to no questions on how to play a game. I can’t
honestly remember a game where I had no questions after finishing the rules.
When we played Shadowrun my friends and I thought we were rolling too many dice
until we learned we weren’t rolling enough. I was really solid at Through the
Breach but only because I’d been playing Malifaux for years. I’ve never
finished a D&D ruleset and not had questions. If I have to pick, I think
the least number of questions I’ve ever had, then I have to give it to 4th
edition D&D. I walked away from that game knowing how to run and play it
fairly easily. I knew how powers worked, skills functioned, and classes melded
together. I had a couple of questions but nothing that could stop a game.
entertainment value it gets a little trickier. Since rulebooks are basically
technical manuals some of them become so focused on the rules they become dry
insomnia curing tomes. Some get so focused on history and back story that it
takes days to find the rules you’re looking for amidst everything else. Some
are just a jumbled mess of turn to page X to find the answer to the process
found in section Y while using the chart on table z. When I have to look at six
pages simultaneously to figure out how to do one thing in your game, you needed
an editor, I’m cheap and available, call me. Beyond that, I find that one-shot
humor based games are the best for these. I enjoyed reading Tales from the
Floating Vagabond, Teenagers from Outer Space, and laughed out loud reading
Maid. Paranoia is always a hoot, if you’re going to DM since the players have
never read the rules, *wink* that would be treason. However, for the best
writing, I love Legend of the Five Rings for the stories of the various clans.
I love the conflicting histories in the different books. I love how every Clan
book says, “There’s no such thing as ninjas,” except the Scorpion Clan which
says, “If anyone asks, those guys over there don’t exist.” I’ve read through
the Clan books multiple times just for the backgrounds. Which, as a note, are
often found in sidebars next to the rules, making them easily identifiable as
which is which.
are my answers. What are yours? I’m always looking for something new to read.
Question Alternate#20: Campaigns: Do you
prefer set length or open ended?
have to do another alternate question, mostly because todays, “What is the best
source of out of print RPG’s?” doesn’t apply to me. I simply have never looked
for out of print games. I don’t have an answer.
is an answer that has changed since I have gotten older. When I was in high
school I loved open ended campaigns because honestly, I never thought we would
stop playing. There was this optimistic illusion of youth that these things
would last forever. This idea that the point of the game was to play every week
and get more and more powerful.
that I’ve been at this for a while I prefer a set length. I know that we’re not
going to have forever, that the group is going to grow and change. People will
have to leave because of all the things that happen in life. I want to play a
game to completion. If we can set out to tell a specific story and then tell it
well, I’ll be happy. I love Through the Breach because it has a built in time
limit. I like to play things that have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Too
much has happened, too many game groups have folded for whatever reason, for me
to think I’ll ever be able to play in a long running campaign.
isn’t to say that someday I won’t return to that style of play. I marvel at the
people who do and can. I just don’t think I’m in a place where I’ll be able to.
One day I may go on a quest with no end in sight, but today, I’ll meet the
villain, track his plan, defeat him after a few setbacks, and retire to the village
I grew up in. For now.
Question #21: Which RPG does the most
with the least words?
going with Fiasco on this one. The rules are blissfully simple and short. Most
of the main book is filled with stories and examples of what type of game you’re
playing. The actual mechanics are found over a handful of pages filled with
examples. It’s a story telling game but it’s one that let’s itself get crunchy
in the drama and depth of the characters. It’s allows for the players to tell
deep serious stories with meaning or ridiculous action romps with Cthulhu. To
expand the game you only need a new playset that is usually eight pages long,
nine if you count the intro and examples of films and books that you can check
out for examples.
haven’t played Fiasco as much as I would like to; the game is wonderful. The
character creation gives you the freedom to be as colorful as you want while
still giving you tough choices to adhere too. The first time I ever played I
expected it to follow the path of the different podcasts I listened to where
people joked and got silly with their stories. My story, our story, went in a
much different direction. It revolved around a photo in a locket. It didn’t
matter who got that photo, it was going to go badly. The story started so well.
There was the hope of romance for two people who had been alone for too long, redemption
for a fallen man who’d walked away from horrible acts committed during the war,
and the chance to heal for a man who had lost his son. Then it went to the left
of center and I ended up dead in the desert. It was dark, and gritty, and
serious. It was also beautiful, tense, and perfect.
try to get more people to play Fiasco. I think the game has the potential to
tell deep moving stories more than any other RPG on the market and it does it
in roughly nine pages.
Question #22: Which RPG’s are the
easiest for you to run?
are a lot of games I can run without looking at the book, going over my notes,
or even trying to remember how certain things work; most of those require a ton
of prep work. If I’m looking for easy, I want a game that I can run on they
fly. That’s got to be Paranoia.
is a fast paced game that takes place in the semi-dystopian future. The new
edition of which streamlines a lot of features. Character creation takes a
fifteen minutes and requires the group. There are decks of cards for mutant
abilities, secret societies, and mandatory bonus duties. The game gives the
player five extra lives in the form of backup clones so you can “accidently” go
super dangerous. The players are all out to get one another so you don’t have
to “accidently” go super dangerous because they’ll kill one another without
your help. It’s probably the only game where I feel I can make up an adventure
as we go and not worry about how I’m doing.
can write an adventure right now. It is 12:37 for reference. Report for
briefing. Take kegs of beer to Vulture Squadron at forward base in sector
HawtAF, failure is treason. Report to R&D, five random items and rocket
boots, because rocket boots are the best. Requisitions/steal a transport to
carry thirty five kegs of beer. Sector HawtAF is a war zone. Vulture Squad is
dead. Attack occurs and destroys truck. Update mission that they need to return
empty kegs for recycling. Debriefing followed by commendations and executions
sometimes to the same person. It is 12:41.
have seen amazing things in Paranoia. A group of players lost half their clones
brushing their teeth, a party fighting over a laser pen, a black out murder
spree committed by a rabbit, and a Lovecraftian terror cult reduced to cinders
by My Little Pocket Nuclear Warhead, a troubleshooters best friend. The thing
that gets amazing about Paranoia, is that as confrontational as the game is,
people don’t mind. You know you’re going to get shot by your best friend, or
spouse, in the back. It’s a given. Even character creation has you screwing
over other members of your party in spectacular fashion. There’s no min-maxing
this game, you’re going to be good at as many things as you’re bad at. Still,
if you can ignore all of that, and you should, you will spend most of your
night laughing. You will have stories to tell for years to come. If you ever
meet my friend Keith, ask him about finding all of his clones, still alive, in
a bathroom stall.
Question #23: Which RPG has the most jaw-dropping
going to pick a new one for this. I recently bought the new Star Trek
Adventures. The rule book has a very Star Trek feel. The entire book is set up using
the graphics and fonts from the view screens in Next Generation. The entire
book balances the style of display with art featuring various scenes from
around the Federation, pieces showing off the various crews, and technical
layouts of ships. There are occasional maps, star charts, and blueprints. The
book does and amazing job of not only giving you the universe of Star Trek but
also the feel of Star Trek. As you read it, it’s Star Trek. There’s no way it
could be anything else or any anything else could have represented the world
this perfectly.
layout also includes a wonderful use of color to emphasize examples and
sidebars, something I appreciate. The sections and chapters are well defined and
broken up. Everything in the book has a focus on keeping you in the world you’re
playing in. The only ding I would give it is that they front load the book with
the history of the Federation leaving you several pages before you get to the
rules. I would prefer that history and background be placed at the end of the
book, especially for something like Star Trek where the history is so well
known for most of the people playing. At least, I think it would be. I would be
hard pressed to believe anyone who plays this doesn’t have at least some idea
of how the Federation functions.
I love the layout for this book and am looking forward to spending more time
with it.
Question #24: Share a PWYW publisher who
should be charging more.
of answering the question how it’s worded I’m going to talk about how I use Pay
What You Want purchases. I recently purchased the rules for World Wide
Wrestling, it’s a powered by apocalypse game about professional wrestling. A
portion of the materials for the game are a series of PWYW gimmick, think
classes, sheets on Drive Thru RPG. Like most PWYW games and supplements I
bought one and paid nothing to see what it was and whether I wanted to invest
time and money into these pieces. After getting the first one, I decided I
liked these and went back and paid for the others, pitching in double what I
felt they were worth for the second one to make up for the first free download.
me, this is what PWYW is for. It’s that offer to check something out and see
how it works, whether it functions, or fits into your needs. Then you can go
back and pitch in for other rules or supplements. If they only have the one,
you can always repurchase it paying the second time. I understand that not
everyone goes back and purchases a second time, I haven’t always gone back for
various reasons, from quality of the product to it just not fitting into what I
needed or wanted. I get that there are people who look at how I do this and
feel it’s unfair to those who have had products I didn’t go back and sponsor
but for me this is how I use PWYW.
there’s anything out there I’m missing, or you have an answer for a publisher
or author who needs to be featured, let me know in the comments.
Question #25: What is the best way to
thank your GM?
cash, strippers, and scotch or whiskey depending on taste. The odd cigar would
not be amiss, either.
seriously now. As a GM, the thing I like hearing is thank you. Tell me when the
game is working and when you’re having fun. Let me know if there is something
you’d like to see or have happen. When I run, the thing I worry most about is
that my players are having fun. Let me know when you are. I love it when my
players engage with me about what’s going on. Don’t lie to me, if there is
something that bothers you let me know and we’ll hash it out and see if we can
come up with a fix. You have to tell me what you want.
best feeling to me is when my friends and I are sitting around and talking
about old games. If we’re talking to one another or people who weren’t there
and they start to tell stories about games I wrote and ran for them. They talk
about the things they loved and what was the most fun in those games. When they
remember a small character I wrote as a throwaway, and they tell stories I had
forgotten about them.
the best thank you I can get. Engage with me.
Question #26: Which RPG provides the
most useful resources?
to be Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition. They had a reference
program you could download as part of the Insider program that was amazing. It
had everything you needed to roll up characters using any of the optional
methods. You could then print out a magnificent character sheet that worked
anywhere. It was such a good program that if you were taking part in their
living campaign and had your character printed from there they just accepted it
was right.
had a second program that was for Dungeon Masters. It had every magic item
ever. The system was set with multiple was to look things up, how many hands it
takes, what classes can use it, specific bonuses, and special effects. They had
a monster generator that would pull up any monster and let you alter its level,
add character class levels, edit names, and give it bonus abilities from other
monsters. You could take a level twenty storm giant, make him second level,
give him four levels of druid, and a dragons fire breath.
also told you were everything originated. The first module, adventure, expansion,
or Dragon Magazine article it appeared in. If you wanted to go and find that
specific adventure that introduced the Holy Avenger Sword, you could. At least,
you knew what t look for.
have been told, that the program is still active and you can download it and
use it now. That it will still give you everything you need to run and manipulate
a 4th edition game. In case you’re interested in that sort of thing.
Question #27: What are your essential
tools for good gaming?
lots of notes. If I’m running something I want to make sure I have a lot of
notes for things that may be coming up. I may not use most of them, but I like
to have them. I also like to make notes when the players say something that
they think is a throwaway line about their character. I love bringing those
As a
player, notes, lots of good dice. You can never have too many good dice. I also
like themed dice. I play miniatures games and I had a set of vomit colored dice
I used with my Nurgle 40k army. I enjoy having things like that.
conventions, I have blood sugar issues, I need trail mix. It helps me keep
focused and able to pay attention, prevents me from passing out. I’ve lived
with the condition for a long time and I’ve gotten a handle on how to deal with
it but I still have moments, especially at conventions where I don’t have
access to regualr exercise and healthy food. I’m also a big guy, and thus my
con bag includes deodorant. If you are also a big person and your con bag doesn’t
include deodorant, it really should. Hell, if you sweat a lot, get some.
that, it depends on the game. I like Alea tools for games with minis and status
effects. I like transparent card sleeves for games where I need to write notes
on things of appropriate sizes. That’s pretty much it.
Question #28: What film/series is the
biggest source of quotes in your group?
is easy, Star Wars. We quote the hell out of Star Wars. We quote the prequel
trilogy. We’re all fans of Star Wars to varying degrees, with two of us being
stand outs for huge Star Wars fans. They’re more than that actually, they’re
gear head Star Wars fans. They know the ships, the histories behind them, and
so much beyond that. We cue up Star Wars music on our phones for other games.
In a D&D campaign in Dark Sun we we’re captured by the cannibal halflings and
as they celebrated the upcoming feast, we pulled up the yub yub song.
that we hit the regular places Princess Bride, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Star
Trek, Thundarr the Barbarian, Top Gear, and I personally use a lot of Leverage.
about you?
Question #29: What has been the best-run
RPG Kickstarter you have backed?
been a part of a couple of RPG’s on Kickstarter, the best one was X-Crawl run
by Goodman Games. There are a lot of mistakes that get made by RPG’s on KS. X-Crawl
avoided them all. The books came out close to on time, the promised PDF’s were
quickly available, and the team communicated with the backers on a regular
basis. The avoided the biggest mistake I see KS’s make and that was X-Crawl’s
stretch goals that provided extra content were all new books beyond the core
rule book. The only things they did to the core rule book were cosmetic; full color
art, hard cover, and those sort of things. The core rules were promised on a
set day, everything else was released and sent in a second wave.
biggest mistake I see, the one X-Crawl avoided, was a lot of RPG’s make stretch
goals that add pages and content to the main book. They don’t think about how
much of a delay this is going to cause. They have to write the new content,
edit, play test, go through layout, and add art. This invariably pushes the
publishing back and causes huge delays. The ones that work the best, X-Crawl
and a couple of others all sent out the core rules in wave one near when they
said they’d go out and then sent everything else as supplemental material. It’s
gotten to the point that when I see a KS for a new RPG if they’re delivering
everything at once I try and figure out how late they’ll be.
Question #30: What is an RPG genre-mashup
you would most like to see?
is a really hard one. I’m pretty sure most every genre mashup already exists
and with systems like FATE you can make anything you want. What’s left? I’ve
had this idea bubbling in the back of my mind for a few years now. What if you
had a medieval, not fantasy, setting with superheroes and villains. I don’t
know if it would work, but then I didn’t think post-apocalyptic fantasy would
work and yet, Adventure Time is a thing.
I think the basic idea would be to have characters with minor superpowers, not
on a Superman level, but possibly Heroes for Hire or other street level heroes
set in and around the crusades. We sort of have the basic DNA for this with
Robin Hood and the Three Musketeers, just do that but amp it up a bit with some
flight, eye beams, steampunk, magic, and maybe even an occasional extra-terrestrial.
Throw in some psychotic villains bent on European domination.
think the biggest challenge for something like this would be to create a world
that people could roll into and get behind. I’d want to avoid people just
making standard fantasy heroes or Batman in plate mail. I’d love to see someone
like, Templar, a noble visage of righteousness. Stout, powerful, and nigh
invulnerable, arrows bounce off of him. He wears all white leather with a ten
foot cape that never touches the ground because it’s always billowing slightly
in the wind. Granted his powers by the divine form of Joan De’Arc.
think masks and secret identities would be important because many people at
that time would just assume witchcraft and being in league with the devil
putting our heroes and their loved ones at risk. This is where the game/setting
gets tricky. You want to show the superstition of the times but you don’t want
to just religion bash either. This may be why it’s a hard sell. Or maybe, no
one else is crazy enough to come up with this.
Question #31: What do you anticipate
most for gaming in 2018?
have reached the end; the final question. And my, what a question it is. For
2018 I have a very specific hope. I recently applied to a posting for writers
at an RPG publisher. They have asked me for writing samples in a follow up
email. I’ll be honest it’s been a while and I’m starting to give up the hope
that this will come to pass, but something has occurred recently to give me a
bit more hope, at least for a little while. I know that the odds are long and I’m
unlikely to get the position at this point, but in my quiet moments I can’t
help but hope. After all, isn’t that the dream for all of us?
that, I want to play more. I’d like to get the chance to run a regular campaign.
I’d like to try streaming a RPG on my YouTube channel. I think that could be
fun. Get some friends together and stream an RPG. Heck there are some people
who have moved away and I don’t get to see anymore so maybe just running a
Skype RPG is just the thing we need to try. I’ve considered Roll20.net for this
sort of thing, but haven’t ever used it. I’m not sure if there are any other places
you can go for that sort of thing.
also like to go to a convention again. Of course that will require a bit of a
job and some money. If I get the second things I do want to do the first. I’m
not sure which convention I’d go to. I’ve found a love of smaller cons in the
last year or so, however, I do miss GenCon.
I think that’s it for now. I hope these posts were fun for you, and I want to
thank everyone who joined me along the way. Hope to see you at a con sometime.
Question #17: Which RPG have you owned
the longest but haven’t played?
answer to this one is easy, Grimm from Fantasy Flight games. I’ve never played
Grimm, I never expected to get to play Grimm. None of my friends were interested
in it and I wasn’t sure if we’d be able to play it at all. I bought this book
strictly to read about the world and the setting.
is a dark fairy tale game set in the world of the Grimm brothers where things
have gone terribly wrong. After Humpty Dumpty fell from the wall he cracked and
the spoiled, rotted from the inside. As the king of the land, his rot spread to
his kingdom and subjects. Horrible things have happened and many of the old favorite
characters have twisted and warped under these new rules. Cinderella forces her
step sisters, bound in collars and kept on leashes, to crawl in front of her
scrubbing the ground as punishment for how she was treated. The players take on
the role of children trapped in this world.
is part of where we as a group faltered. We thought it would be hard and in
some ways frustrating to play children. That we would have to remember that
kids are afraid of things like large barking dogs when adults know how to
handle these situations. We didn’t like the idea of having to react in a way
that relied on inexperience. We also felt it would be difficult to approach
challenges and riddles without relying on our own experiences to solve them. It
felt like it would be frustrating to know the solution to something but not be
able to act on it because our characters wouldn’t.
said, I found a large amount of the book and its contents fun to read. One of
the classes that still stands out to me is the every kid. You aren’t the hero,
you’re the every kid, the background child that no one remembers. The upside
was that you could go places unnoticed that the other players couldn’t. The
downside was that every time a random child was chosen for something bad to
happen, it happens to you because the every kids are the ones that die before
the story starts. I loved the concept of this. If the bad guys are specifically
looking for your group they won’t notice you, but fire one shot at random into
a crowd and you’re the target.
seen other games that have focused on playing children, like the Land of Yeld,
but those are all designed to be played with children; kids are players at the
table. Grimm was in no way for children. I think that’s the important
difference. If I play a RPG with kids, I tend to throw out suggestions but I
let them come up with the plans and ideas. I don’t try and solve the puzzles, I
let them do it. It’s easier to play a child character in that way because while
I may have solved the riddle or puzzle already, I like to let the kids at the
table have the chance to succeed.
Question #18: Which RPG have you played
the most in your life?
award goes to the granddaddy of them all, Dungeons & Dragons. You know I’m old-school,
I used an ampersand. On my tenth or eleventh birthday my mom got me a copy of
the boxed set of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. I played with my brother and
some friends a couple of times. When I got to high-school I met some friends
and we played there too. The first game I played at a gaming convention was
D&D. I’ve gone away and returned multiple times. I organized and ran an
adventure league at my local games store back when they called it Encounters.
has always been one of those games I’ll always go back too. I have fond
memories of games with friends, moments at conventions, and characters I’ve
created. I’ve run published works and original adventures. I can’t remember a
time when sitting and playing with friends wasn’t the best time. I still have
friends who play D&D, though I have not played with them since the launch
of fifth edition, or 5E. I miss sitting with my friends and going questing for
reasons I don’t play 5E are wrapped in a long story that’s completely unfair to
D&D and I may one day recount here on my blog. Today however, I look
wistfully at the people having fun and I want to go back, but I fear I may have
to wait until sixth edition. Still, I know that no matter how long it takes,
they will welcome me back as if I had never left. Til then, I can only hope
they role/roll well and wish them good fortune and safe journeys.
if you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotten something in my eye.
Question #19: Which RPG has the best
one is tricky because there are two ways to look at it. Are we looking for
clarity or entertainment?
the one hand since RPG’s are essentially rules manuals it could mean clarity.
It’s nice to have a well written rulebook that leaves you with no questions. I
think we can all agree that there are some rulebooks that are complete train
wrecks. (I’m looking at you D&D 3.5 grappling rules.) It’s nice to finish
reading a rulebook and have few to no questions on how to play a game. I can’t
honestly remember a game where I had no questions after finishing the rules.
When we played Shadowrun my friends and I thought we were rolling too many dice
until we learned we weren’t rolling enough. I was really solid at Through the
Breach but only because I’d been playing Malifaux for years. I’ve never
finished a D&D ruleset and not had questions. If I have to pick, I think
the least number of questions I’ve ever had, then I have to give it to 4th
edition D&D. I walked away from that game knowing how to run and play it
fairly easily. I knew how powers worked, skills functioned, and classes melded
together. I had a couple of questions but nothing that could stop a game.
entertainment value it gets a little trickier. Since rulebooks are basically
technical manuals some of them become so focused on the rules they become dry
insomnia curing tomes. Some get so focused on history and back story that it
takes days to find the rules you’re looking for amidst everything else. Some
are just a jumbled mess of turn to page X to find the answer to the process
found in section Y while using the chart on table z. When I have to look at six
pages simultaneously to figure out how to do one thing in your game, you needed
an editor, I’m cheap and available, call me. Beyond that, I find that one-shot
humor based games are the best for these. I enjoyed reading Tales from the
Floating Vagabond, Teenagers from Outer Space, and laughed out loud reading
Maid. Paranoia is always a hoot, if you’re going to DM since the players have
never read the rules, *wink* that would be treason. However, for the best
writing, I love Legend of the Five Rings for the stories of the various clans.
I love the conflicting histories in the different books. I love how every Clan
book says, “There’s no such thing as ninjas,” except the Scorpion Clan which
says, “If anyone asks, those guys over there don’t exist.” I’ve read through
the Clan books multiple times just for the backgrounds. Which, as a note, are
often found in sidebars next to the rules, making them easily identifiable as
which is which.
are my answers. What are yours? I’m always looking for something new to read.
Question Alternate#20: Campaigns: Do you
prefer set length or open ended?
have to do another alternate question, mostly because todays, “What is the best
source of out of print RPG’s?” doesn’t apply to me. I simply have never looked
for out of print games. I don’t have an answer.
is an answer that has changed since I have gotten older. When I was in high
school I loved open ended campaigns because honestly, I never thought we would
stop playing. There was this optimistic illusion of youth that these things
would last forever. This idea that the point of the game was to play every week
and get more and more powerful.
that I’ve been at this for a while I prefer a set length. I know that we’re not
going to have forever, that the group is going to grow and change. People will
have to leave because of all the things that happen in life. I want to play a
game to completion. If we can set out to tell a specific story and then tell it
well, I’ll be happy. I love Through the Breach because it has a built in time
limit. I like to play things that have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Too
much has happened, too many game groups have folded for whatever reason, for me
to think I’ll ever be able to play in a long running campaign.
isn’t to say that someday I won’t return to that style of play. I marvel at the
people who do and can. I just don’t think I’m in a place where I’ll be able to.
One day I may go on a quest with no end in sight, but today, I’ll meet the
villain, track his plan, defeat him after a few setbacks, and retire to the village
I grew up in. For now.
Question #21: Which RPG does the most
with the least words?
going with Fiasco on this one. The rules are blissfully simple and short. Most
of the main book is filled with stories and examples of what type of game you’re
playing. The actual mechanics are found over a handful of pages filled with
examples. It’s a story telling game but it’s one that let’s itself get crunchy
in the drama and depth of the characters. It’s allows for the players to tell
deep serious stories with meaning or ridiculous action romps with Cthulhu. To
expand the game you only need a new playset that is usually eight pages long,
nine if you count the intro and examples of films and books that you can check
out for examples.
haven’t played Fiasco as much as I would like to; the game is wonderful. The
character creation gives you the freedom to be as colorful as you want while
still giving you tough choices to adhere too. The first time I ever played I
expected it to follow the path of the different podcasts I listened to where
people joked and got silly with their stories. My story, our story, went in a
much different direction. It revolved around a photo in a locket. It didn’t
matter who got that photo, it was going to go badly. The story started so well.
There was the hope of romance for two people who had been alone for too long, redemption
for a fallen man who’d walked away from horrible acts committed during the war,
and the chance to heal for a man who had lost his son. Then it went to the left
of center and I ended up dead in the desert. It was dark, and gritty, and
serious. It was also beautiful, tense, and perfect.
try to get more people to play Fiasco. I think the game has the potential to
tell deep moving stories more than any other RPG on the market and it does it
in roughly nine pages.
Question #22: Which RPG’s are the
easiest for you to run?
are a lot of games I can run without looking at the book, going over my notes,
or even trying to remember how certain things work; most of those require a ton
of prep work. If I’m looking for easy, I want a game that I can run on they
fly. That’s got to be Paranoia.
is a fast paced game that takes place in the semi-dystopian future. The new
edition of which streamlines a lot of features. Character creation takes a
fifteen minutes and requires the group. There are decks of cards for mutant
abilities, secret societies, and mandatory bonus duties. The game gives the
player five extra lives in the form of backup clones so you can “accidently” go
super dangerous. The players are all out to get one another so you don’t have
to “accidently” go super dangerous because they’ll kill one another without
your help. It’s probably the only game where I feel I can make up an adventure
as we go and not worry about how I’m doing.
can write an adventure right now. It is 12:37 for reference. Report for
briefing. Take kegs of beer to Vulture Squadron at forward base in sector
HawtAF, failure is treason. Report to R&D, five random items and rocket
boots, because rocket boots are the best. Requisitions/steal a transport to
carry thirty five kegs of beer. Sector HawtAF is a war zone. Vulture Squad is
dead. Attack occurs and destroys truck. Update mission that they need to return
empty kegs for recycling. Debriefing followed by commendations and executions
sometimes to the same person. It is 12:41.
have seen amazing things in Paranoia. A group of players lost half their clones
brushing their teeth, a party fighting over a laser pen, a black out murder
spree committed by a rabbit, and a Lovecraftian terror cult reduced to cinders
by My Little Pocket Nuclear Warhead, a troubleshooters best friend. The thing
that gets amazing about Paranoia, is that as confrontational as the game is,
people don’t mind. You know you’re going to get shot by your best friend, or
spouse, in the back. It’s a given. Even character creation has you screwing
over other members of your party in spectacular fashion. There’s no min-maxing
this game, you’re going to be good at as many things as you’re bad at. Still,
if you can ignore all of that, and you should, you will spend most of your
night laughing. You will have stories to tell for years to come. If you ever
meet my friend Keith, ask him about finding all of his clones, still alive, in
a bathroom stall.
Question #23: Which RPG has the most jaw-dropping
going to pick a new one for this. I recently bought the new Star Trek
Adventures. The rule book has a very Star Trek feel. The entire book is set up using
the graphics and fonts from the view screens in Next Generation. The entire
book balances the style of display with art featuring various scenes from
around the Federation, pieces showing off the various crews, and technical
layouts of ships. There are occasional maps, star charts, and blueprints. The
book does and amazing job of not only giving you the universe of Star Trek but
also the feel of Star Trek. As you read it, it’s Star Trek. There’s no way it
could be anything else or any anything else could have represented the world
this perfectly.
layout also includes a wonderful use of color to emphasize examples and
sidebars, something I appreciate. The sections and chapters are well defined and
broken up. Everything in the book has a focus on keeping you in the world you’re
playing in. The only ding I would give it is that they front load the book with
the history of the Federation leaving you several pages before you get to the
rules. I would prefer that history and background be placed at the end of the
book, especially for something like Star Trek where the history is so well
known for most of the people playing. At least, I think it would be. I would be
hard pressed to believe anyone who plays this doesn’t have at least some idea
of how the Federation functions.
I love the layout for this book and am looking forward to spending more time
with it.
Question #24: Share a PWYW publisher who
should be charging more.
of answering the question how it’s worded I’m going to talk about how I use Pay
What You Want purchases. I recently purchased the rules for World Wide
Wrestling, it’s a powered by apocalypse game about professional wrestling. A
portion of the materials for the game are a series of PWYW gimmick, think
classes, sheets on Drive Thru RPG. Like most PWYW games and supplements I
bought one and paid nothing to see what it was and whether I wanted to invest
time and money into these pieces. After getting the first one, I decided I
liked these and went back and paid for the others, pitching in double what I
felt they were worth for the second one to make up for the first free download.
me, this is what PWYW is for. It’s that offer to check something out and see
how it works, whether it functions, or fits into your needs. Then you can go
back and pitch in for other rules or supplements. If they only have the one,
you can always repurchase it paying the second time. I understand that not
everyone goes back and purchases a second time, I haven’t always gone back for
various reasons, from quality of the product to it just not fitting into what I
needed or wanted. I get that there are people who look at how I do this and
feel it’s unfair to those who have had products I didn’t go back and sponsor
but for me this is how I use PWYW.
there’s anything out there I’m missing, or you have an answer for a publisher
or author who needs to be featured, let me know in the comments.
Question #25: What is the best way to
thank your GM?
cash, strippers, and scotch or whiskey depending on taste. The odd cigar would
not be amiss, either.
seriously now. As a GM, the thing I like hearing is thank you. Tell me when the
game is working and when you’re having fun. Let me know if there is something
you’d like to see or have happen. When I run, the thing I worry most about is
that my players are having fun. Let me know when you are. I love it when my
players engage with me about what’s going on. Don’t lie to me, if there is
something that bothers you let me know and we’ll hash it out and see if we can
come up with a fix. You have to tell me what you want.
best feeling to me is when my friends and I are sitting around and talking
about old games. If we’re talking to one another or people who weren’t there
and they start to tell stories about games I wrote and ran for them. They talk
about the things they loved and what was the most fun in those games. When they
remember a small character I wrote as a throwaway, and they tell stories I had
forgotten about them.
the best thank you I can get. Engage with me.
Question #26: Which RPG provides the
most useful resources?
to be Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition. They had a reference
program you could download as part of the Insider program that was amazing. It
had everything you needed to roll up characters using any of the optional
methods. You could then print out a magnificent character sheet that worked
anywhere. It was such a good program that if you were taking part in their
living campaign and had your character printed from there they just accepted it
was right.
had a second program that was for Dungeon Masters. It had every magic item
ever. The system was set with multiple was to look things up, how many hands it
takes, what classes can use it, specific bonuses, and special effects. They had
a monster generator that would pull up any monster and let you alter its level,
add character class levels, edit names, and give it bonus abilities from other
monsters. You could take a level twenty storm giant, make him second level,
give him four levels of druid, and a dragons fire breath.
also told you were everything originated. The first module, adventure, expansion,
or Dragon Magazine article it appeared in. If you wanted to go and find that
specific adventure that introduced the Holy Avenger Sword, you could. At least,
you knew what t look for.
have been told, that the program is still active and you can download it and
use it now. That it will still give you everything you need to run and manipulate
a 4th edition game. In case you’re interested in that sort of thing.
Question #27: What are your essential
tools for good gaming?
lots of notes. If I’m running something I want to make sure I have a lot of
notes for things that may be coming up. I may not use most of them, but I like
to have them. I also like to make notes when the players say something that
they think is a throwaway line about their character. I love bringing those
As a
player, notes, lots of good dice. You can never have too many good dice. I also
like themed dice. I play miniatures games and I had a set of vomit colored dice
I used with my Nurgle 40k army. I enjoy having things like that.
conventions, I have blood sugar issues, I need trail mix. It helps me keep
focused and able to pay attention, prevents me from passing out. I’ve lived
with the condition for a long time and I’ve gotten a handle on how to deal with
it but I still have moments, especially at conventions where I don’t have
access to regualr exercise and healthy food. I’m also a big guy, and thus my
con bag includes deodorant. If you are also a big person and your con bag doesn’t
include deodorant, it really should. Hell, if you sweat a lot, get some.
that, it depends on the game. I like Alea tools for games with minis and status
effects. I like transparent card sleeves for games where I need to write notes
on things of appropriate sizes. That’s pretty much it.
Question #28: What film/series is the
biggest source of quotes in your group?
is easy, Star Wars. We quote the hell out of Star Wars. We quote the prequel
trilogy. We’re all fans of Star Wars to varying degrees, with two of us being
stand outs for huge Star Wars fans. They’re more than that actually, they’re
gear head Star Wars fans. They know the ships, the histories behind them, and
so much beyond that. We cue up Star Wars music on our phones for other games.
In a D&D campaign in Dark Sun we we’re captured by the cannibal halflings and
as they celebrated the upcoming feast, we pulled up the yub yub song.
that we hit the regular places Princess Bride, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Star
Trek, Thundarr the Barbarian, Top Gear, and I personally use a lot of Leverage.
about you?
Question #29: What has been the best-run
RPG Kickstarter you have backed?
been a part of a couple of RPG’s on Kickstarter, the best one was X-Crawl run
by Goodman Games. There are a lot of mistakes that get made by RPG’s on KS. X-Crawl
avoided them all. The books came out close to on time, the promised PDF’s were
quickly available, and the team communicated with the backers on a regular
basis. The avoided the biggest mistake I see KS’s make and that was X-Crawl’s
stretch goals that provided extra content were all new books beyond the core
rule book. The only things they did to the core rule book were cosmetic; full color
art, hard cover, and those sort of things. The core rules were promised on a
set day, everything else was released and sent in a second wave.
biggest mistake I see, the one X-Crawl avoided, was a lot of RPG’s make stretch
goals that add pages and content to the main book. They don’t think about how
much of a delay this is going to cause. They have to write the new content,
edit, play test, go through layout, and add art. This invariably pushes the
publishing back and causes huge delays. The ones that work the best, X-Crawl
and a couple of others all sent out the core rules in wave one near when they
said they’d go out and then sent everything else as supplemental material. It’s
gotten to the point that when I see a KS for a new RPG if they’re delivering
everything at once I try and figure out how late they’ll be.
Question #30: What is an RPG genre-mashup
you would most like to see?
is a really hard one. I’m pretty sure most every genre mashup already exists
and with systems like FATE you can make anything you want. What’s left? I’ve
had this idea bubbling in the back of my mind for a few years now. What if you
had a medieval, not fantasy, setting with superheroes and villains. I don’t
know if it would work, but then I didn’t think post-apocalyptic fantasy would
work and yet, Adventure Time is a thing.
I think the basic idea would be to have characters with minor superpowers, not
on a Superman level, but possibly Heroes for Hire or other street level heroes
set in and around the crusades. We sort of have the basic DNA for this with
Robin Hood and the Three Musketeers, just do that but amp it up a bit with some
flight, eye beams, steampunk, magic, and maybe even an occasional extra-terrestrial.
Throw in some psychotic villains bent on European domination.
think the biggest challenge for something like this would be to create a world
that people could roll into and get behind. I’d want to avoid people just
making standard fantasy heroes or Batman in plate mail. I’d love to see someone
like, Templar, a noble visage of righteousness. Stout, powerful, and nigh
invulnerable, arrows bounce off of him. He wears all white leather with a ten
foot cape that never touches the ground because it’s always billowing slightly
in the wind. Granted his powers by the divine form of Joan De’Arc.
think masks and secret identities would be important because many people at
that time would just assume witchcraft and being in league with the devil
putting our heroes and their loved ones at risk. This is where the game/setting
gets tricky. You want to show the superstition of the times but you don’t want
to just religion bash either. This may be why it’s a hard sell. Or maybe, no
one else is crazy enough to come up with this.
Question #31: What do you anticipate
most for gaming in 2018?
have reached the end; the final question. And my, what a question it is. For
2018 I have a very specific hope. I recently applied to a posting for writers
at an RPG publisher. They have asked me for writing samples in a follow up
email. I’ll be honest it’s been a while and I’m starting to give up the hope
that this will come to pass, but something has occurred recently to give me a
bit more hope, at least for a little while. I know that the odds are long and I’m
unlikely to get the position at this point, but in my quiet moments I can’t
help but hope. After all, isn’t that the dream for all of us?
that, I want to play more. I’d like to get the chance to run a regular campaign.
I’d like to try streaming a RPG on my YouTube channel. I think that could be
fun. Get some friends together and stream an RPG. Heck there are some people
who have moved away and I don’t get to see anymore so maybe just running a
Skype RPG is just the thing we need to try. I’ve considered Roll20.net for this
sort of thing, but haven’t ever used it. I’m not sure if there are any other places
you can go for that sort of thing.
also like to go to a convention again. Of course that will require a bit of a
job and some money. If I get the second things I do want to do the first. I’m
not sure which convention I’d go to. I’ve found a love of smaller cons in the
last year or so, however, I do miss GenCon.
I think that’s it for now. I hope these posts were fun for you, and I want to
thank everyone who joined me along the way. Hope to see you at a con sometime.
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