Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Moving Up and Down the Dial

Moving Up and Down the Dial

So, I had a pretty exciting time in my Social Media class this evening. We went to the WYSO radio station to tour the facilities and see what sort of media presentations we could do as part of our final project. First though I want to than Sarah Buckingham for showing us around, you could really see here love of the station and the medium of radio in the way she talked and the things she showed us.

We talked about doing a Vox Pop short for Vox Populi and, for those of you who have not seen V for Vendetta, means voice of the people. It was basically a man on the street segment where we go somewhere and walk up to total stranger and ask them a question and record it. We listened to a few of them, one from a rally against Ohio Issue 5 about collective bargaining, one about what it means to be human, and one about the types of dreams people have. They were fun and we learned the steps to and rules necessary to make one.

We also talked about recording a commentary, that we could go in and record around 90 of an opinion about something connected to our final project. Sarah didn’t have any of these for us to listen to but I’ve heard enough over the years to get a pretty good feel for them.

At this point I’m not sure which of the two I would do partially because I find people are uncomfortable when I approach them, I’m told I can be somewhat intimidating at first glance. Also I’m not sure what my project is going to be about. So far this has vexed me the most. I’m not particularly activistic about anything. I do some charity stuff throughout the year, twice a year I enter a road rally to raise money for the Epilepsy Foundation of Western Ohio and this year I’m entering the extra life gaming marathon to raise money for Dayton’s Children’s Hospital, but I don’t really promote anything. I don’t particularly enjoy pushing my views on other people.

Finally, we found out about November 6th, when we will be taking part in election night by helping work phones, do live blogging of results and interesting news bits, and hear exit pole data. I’m really looking forward to this. I love elections. I enjoy every time an election comes up and I get to talk politics with people and thus far this year has really sucked for me. I haven’t gotten to really talk about the state of politics this year because everyone is so angry and defensive. Even more so than the last election, or the one before that. We’re becoming so insular and our side is always right and your side is always wrong that we’ve forgotten the point of the two party system is to compromise. We’ve completely stopped doing it in this country and it’s just so damned sad to me.

But enough of my pity party, looking forward to the election, and I encourage everyone to vote. Remember, history is made by the ones who show up.

As always tell me what you think either in the comments below or shoot on over to my facebook and leave a thought there.

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