Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Irresistible Force and the Immovable Object

The Irresistible Force and the Immovable Object

Well, due to a minor personal issue I was running late to class, but when I got there we were discussing the last few activism projects people were getting involved in. I have to do one as well and I’m not entirely sure what my cause will be. Politically I’m intensely personal, I don’t like making my beliefs public knowledge and take great pride in knowing most people aren’t sure which party I’m voting for. (Usually only about half the guesses are correct.) I wanted to try and raise awareness by tweens and teens about how little privacy Facebook has. The problem is, I really don’t know how to do that. I’m currently thinking of doing Net Neutrality. More thought is needed on the subject.

We also spoke on how political movements are formed. We spoke about the Tea Party and the Occupy movement. We compared and contrasted their origins, motives, power structure, goals, and leaders. There is a lot that could be said here, but as I mentioned, I’m extremely private in my political leanings.

So, alas, I will speak only the simplest truth. Both groups have good points and bad, they are too new to tell if they are as honest and forthright as they would have us believe, and in the end only time will tell who was the best for the job. I will say this for both groups, they encourage people to get involved with their government, and for that, I thank them both.

If you have any comments leave them below or head on over to my facebook page and leave a message there.

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