This is the latest installment of the J.P. Nussbaum adventures, if you'd like to check them out from the beginning head here.
We’re back on the road again. With the massive snows moving on, we were able to get ourselves out of the city and head for safer places. We crossed state lines again though I’m no longer certain where we are. Being able to drive has raised everyone’s spirits and all the fighting has stopped. We even got to take a moment to rest and take a little silly time for ourselves. We stopped at a roadside museum and took a tour of the House of Iron, a cute little place featuring wrought iron sculpture.
Jeeves has arranged a meeting for the beginning of next week in hopes of helping to get us ahead of the people who are following us. I’m hoping this will end soon.
As always, whoever you are, I ask you a favor; please tell my family I love them. Tell them I’m sorry.
To Stephen Mayne,
I feel like a hunted beast. Destroying the camp has led to a hard search of the area. There are boats in the river, jeeps on the trails, and planes in the sky. We are harried everyday as we make our way to civilization. We’ve considered attacking some of the searchers but have decided against it because even that small action could give away our location. We’re even trying to keep our correspondence to a minimum in case they track our signal.
On the upside we have been able to locate a source of potential aid, provided we aren’t found, the place on the map still exists, and they’re willing to help. Hopefully, we can
(The message ends here.)
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