Friday, August 25, 2017

RPG a Day 2017 Question 25

What is RPGaDay2017?

I’ll link here to the actual group. Basically, it’s a series of questions that you can answer. There are 31 questions that you can answer to help shine a light on the different reasons people play role-play games. This is my answer to the 25th question. For my full list of answers check here.

Question #25: What is the best way to thank your GM?
Pizza, cash, strippers, and scotch or whiskey depending on taste. The odd cigar would not be amiss, either.

Okay seriously now. As a GM, the thing I like hearing is thank you. Tell me when the game is working and when you’re having fun. Let me know if there is something you’d like to see or have happen. When I run, the thing I worry most about is that my players are having fun. Let me know when you are. I love it when my players engage with me about what’s going on. Don’t lie to me, if there is something that bothers you let me know and we’ll hash it out and see if we can come up with a fix. You have to tell me what you want.
The best feeling to me is when my friends and I are sitting around and talking about old games. If we’re talking to one another or people who weren’t there and they start to tell stories about games I wrote and ran for them. They talk about the things they loved and what was the most fun in those games. When they remember a small character I wrote as a throwaway, and they tell stories I had forgotten about them.

That’s the best thank you I can get. Engage with me. 


  1. That's the best attitude to have as a DM--or I assume so. My experience is outside of roleplaying games, but that attitude of just wanting everyone to have fun while playing and wishing for sincere thanks works well to bring anyone together happily.

    1. It helps to remember that the only way you get to play is if they all show up. =)
