Friday, August 4, 2017

RPG a Day 2017 question 4

I’ll link here to the actual group. Basically, it’s a series of questions that you can answer. There are 31 questions that you can answer to help shine a light on the different reasons people play role-play games. This is my answer to the 4th question. For my full list of answers check here.

Question #4: Which RPG have you played the most since August 2016?

I had to edit this before I posted it because there seems to be people are answering it in 2 different ways. I look at running a game as playing it but a lot of answers I’ve seen aren’t focusing it that way. I now two answers to this question because of that.
My original answer was, I’ve been playing a lot of Through the Breach (TTB). I haven’t played in a few months because of RL reasons as happens. But I have run it a bit. I like TTB, the tarot reading system they use for character generation and how each characters fate is resolved gives the campaign a five act structure that ends. The story ends. I love that we are working towards something. I also love that you can get some really great character moments. In one of my games from a while ago, we had a moment where players could see their characters ending up on different sides of a problem. At the end of the session everyone was real quiet and one of the players said, “I can very easily see this campaign ending with a bunch of people in a room pointing guns at one another, and I’m not sure if there are going to be anyone but our characters in there.” He meant it as a good thing. I also love that it took two more sessions before they figured out a way for them to all be on the same side in the end. I love that I ran a game where this happened.
The game I’m now adding is Sword and Wizardry (S&W). A friend of mine is running it.  S&W is a throwback to old school D&D. It’s cleaner than 1st edition but not quite 2nd. I guess it’s more of a D&D 1.5 which is fine. We’re running through a modified Rappan Athuk, the Dungeon of Graves. Right now it’s a lot of hallways. I’m still having fun, I’m looking forward to leveling up and getting to do some cooler stuff. I’m a 2nd level rogue right now so a lot of what I’m doing is detecting traps by setting them off and stabbing guys for minimal damage with a dagger.
Anyway, that’s where I’m at, what are you folks playing? I’ve been following along and reading a lot of different answers on twitter with the Hashtags #RPGaDay and #RPGaDay2017 head over there, check out the conversation. I’m learning about a lot of new games.

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